Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Thesis Writing Assignment About China as Rising Power - 30800 Words
Thesis Writing Assignment About China as Rising Power (Thesis Sample) Content: UNIVERZITA KOMENSKHO V BRATISLAVEFAKULTA SOCILNYCH A EKONOMICKCH VIEDÃÅ'na ako rastca veà ¾moc a jej pozcia na zaà iatku 21. storoà iaBakalrska prcatudijn program: Eurpske tditudijn odbor: 3.6.1 politolgiastav: stav eurpskych tdi a medzinrodnch vzÃ
¥ahovkoliteà ¾: Mgr. Mat Hals, PhD.Bratislava, 2014 Danilo HinicCOMENIUS UNIVERSITY IN BRATISLAVAFACULTY OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC SCIENCESChina as rising power and its role at the beginning of the21st centuryBachelor Thesis.Study Program: European StudiesStudy Field: Political Science 3.6.1Institute: Institute of European Studies and International RelationsSupervisor: Mgr. Matus Halas, PhDBratislava, 2014 Danilo Hinic10477576200001047756667500Expression of GratitudeHereby I want to sincerely thank to Mgr. Matus Halas, PhD. for his guidance and supervising of my work, very helpful advices and helping with useful literatureÃÅ'estne PrehlasenieÃÅ'estne prehlasujem Ã
¾e na bakalarskej praci som samostatne pracoval na zaklade literatury ktorej uplny prehlad je v zozname pouÃ
¾itej literaturyBratislava, 14th April 2014 Danilo HinicAbstraktHINIC, Danilo. ÃÅ'na ako rastca veà ¾moc a jej pozcia na zaà iatku 21. Storoà ia. [Bakalrska prca]. Univerzita Komenskho v Bratislave. Fakulta socilnych a ekonomickch vied; stav eurpskych tdi a medzinrodnch vzÃ
¥ahov. koliteà ¾: Mgr. Mat Hals, PhD. StupeÃ
Ë odbornej kvalifikcie: Bakalr. Bratislava: FSEV UK, 2014. 62 s.Cieà ¾om tejto prce je preukzaÃ
¥ ako je ekonomick rast ÃÅ'ny reflektovan v jej ekonomickej a vojenskej sile v urà itch à astiach sveta prostrednctvom realistickej terie medzinrodnch vzÃ
¥ahov. V prvej kapitole charakterizujeme teoretick koncept ekonomickej a vojenskej sily zaloÃ
¾en na realistickej interpretcii sily. Druh kapitola sa zaober operacionalizciou vskumnej otzky a cieà ¾om tejto prce. Zdvodnme preà o je ÃÅ'na vhodnm prkladom ako je rast ekonomiky reflektovan v ekonomickej a vojenskej sile v zahranià , taktieÃ
¾ preà o Afrika a Juhovchodn zia s vhodnm prkladom na ilustrciu ÃÅ'nskej ekonomickej a vojenskej sily v urà itch à astiach sveta. V tretej kapitole najskr ilustrujeme rast ekonomickej sily ÃÅ'ny prostrednctvom HDP. Nsledne preukÃ
¾eme ako je tento ekonomick rast reflektovan v prudkom nraste priamych à nskych investci v Afrike, à o bude indiktorom ekonomickej sily ÃÅ'ny v Afrike. V zvere tretej kapitoly bude ilustrovan zvyujca sa vojensk à asÃ
¥ ÃÅ'ny a viac pevnch politk v Juhovchodnej zii na zaà iatku 21. storoà ia. Predpokladme, Ã
¾e takto koncept tretej kapitoly spln cieà ¾ tejto prce a ukÃ
¾e ako je ekonomick rast ÃÅ'ny reflektovan v jej ekonomickej a vojenskej sile v urà itch à astiach sveta.Kà ¾Ã ov slov: ÃÅ'na, ekonomick rast, Afrika, zahranià n investcie, Juhovchodn zia, vojensk à asÃ
¥AbstractHINIC, Danilo. China as rising power and its role at the beginning of the 21st century. [Bachelor Thesis]. Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences. Institute of European Studies and International Relations. Supervisor: Mgr.Matus Halas,PhD. Degree of Professional qualification: Bachelor of European Studies. Bratislava: FSEV UK, 2014. 62 p.The aim of this thesis is to illustrate how economic growth of China is reflected in its economic and military power in specific parts of the world through realist theory of international relations. First chapter of this thesis will deal with theoretical concept of economic and military power based on realist interpretation of power. It will be explained why realist concept of power will be suitable for aim of this thesis. Second chapter will deal with operationalization of research question and objective of th is thesis. It will be justified why China is suitable example for showing how rise of domestic economy is reflected in economic and military power abroad. It will be explained why cases of Africa and Southeast Asia are suitable for illustrating Chinese economic and military power in specific parts of the world. Third Chapter will firstly illustrate rise of Chinese economic strength in terms of GDP. Than will be shown how this economic growth is reflected in rapid rise of Chinese FDI in Africa, what will be indicator of Chinese economic power in Africa. Lastly will be illustrated increased Chinese military presence (area of operations, deployment) and more firm policies in Southeast Asia at the beginning of the XXI century. Such concept of Third Chapter is supposed to fulfill aim of this thesis and show how rise of Chinese economy is reflected in its economic and military power in specific parts of the world.Key words: China, economic rise, Africa, FDI, Southeast Asia, military prese ncePrefaceI have been interested in China for many years. I even lived there for some period of my life. I am interested in Chinese culture, philosophy, traditions, tai chi, language and politics.In recent years my attention is focused on rising power of China. China is becoming very important actor in international relations. Its power is visible in political, economic and military aspects. Position of China in the world is much stronger than before in economic, political and military aspect. It has permanent seat in Security Council of the United Nations. It is world second largest economy which is important for and competitive with other world economies. China possesses one of strongest world militaries and has second biggest military budget in the world. Economic and military presence of China in the world was increased thanks to rise of Chinese domestic economy. Since 1978 Chinese domestic economy is rapidly developing and together with rapid development of domestic economy i ts economic and military presence abroad is increasing too. I noticed rise of importance of China and I wanted to make some work which will deal with Chinese economic and military power.After classes of international relations at our faculty I became inspired to more deeply analyze realist theory of international relations. Actually this theory seems to me as really realistic because almost everything what is happening in the world today is very similar to that what this theory claims. Therefore I wanted to make interesting for me combination of dealing with power of China in terms of realist interpretation of power. I believe that such combination of realist interpretation of power and rising power of China would mean great opportunity to apply some theory which I have learned at our faculty.Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION..........................11. Theory Power and Measuring of Power........31.1 Different Perceptions of Power in International Relations.........................41.2 Economic/ Military Power and Theoretical Limitations................................................72. Methodology.......122.1 Operationalization..122.2 Case Study......163. Rise of China.....183.1 Rise of Chinese Economy.........183.1.1 Indicators of Chinese economic growth......193.1.2 Growth of Chinas GDP&hel...
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